The 8 Ministries

Each ministry under AOHD has its own purpose and carries the value of the Gospel by dignifying the people they serve in many ways. It carries the 7 values of Catholic Social Teachings, which are;-

Ministry of the Poor

The Archdiocese Ministry of the Poor’s objective is to strengthen the lives of all in need by giving help that empowers and hope that lasts. To this end, we affirm and support the dignity of all human life, strengthen families and serve the poor and most vulnerable.

Women Ministry

The Women Ministry (WM) under AOHD will focus on raising issues internally concerning Catholic women of all ages at all parishes as well externally reaching out to women from outside the church.

Ministry for Special Needs

Ministry for Special Needs was set up in July 2001 to cater to the needs of children with autism. In our current times the need for a ministry for special needs is crucial as the number of individuals with special needs is increasing day by day. The struggles faced by families of these individuals is beyond comprehension, many suffer silently. The individuals with special needs and their families face discrimination and even rejection in many places including the church.

Creation Justice Ministry

The Archdiocesan Creation Justice Ministry, believes that everyone’s involvement and effort is required to care for our common home. With a spirit of inclusiveness and the Laudato si Encyclical as its reference the Ministry strives to bring everyone across all ages and faith groups together, by encouraging all to take small steps daily.

Society of St Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international lay Catholic organization founded in Paris, France in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam and his five companions.  They were challenged on the relevance of the “Catholic faith in action”; that is, to practice Christian love, to serve the poor in the streets of Paris and to be one with them. This group initially formed as the Conference of Charity was soon named as the Society of St Vincent De Paul after St Vincent De Paul, a priest who devoted his entire life to serving the physical and spiritual needs of the poor.

Prison Ministry

The structure of the Catholic Prison Fellowship Association consists of two EAs, the President, Vice President, Secretary 1, Secretary 2, Treasurer, 8 Committee Members, and 17 Parish Leaders. CPFA conducts prison visits by volunteers with permits issued by Ibu Pejabat Penjara Malaysia (IPPM).

Ministry for Migrants & Itinerants

The ministry of Migrants and Itinerants (MMI) is under the umbrella of the Archdiocesan Office for Human Development (AOHD). At the moment, a coordinator and an Ecclesiastical Assistant (EA) oversee the ministry. MMI’s primary responsibilities are to assist, equip and empower parish migrant ministries (PMM) and migrant leaders’ communities (MLC) to take up their roles and to support activities based on their needs. 

Ministy for Orang Asli

There are about 206,000 Orang Aslis in Semenanjung Malaysia, with nearly 99.29% in the B40 income group. Living in extremely poor conditions, they have long been overlooked and neglected. Their struggles and calls for help remain unheard, and their existence is often ignored. The Orang Asli Ministry was established with the sole mission of improving their lives, lifting them out of poverty, and securing their rightful place in society.

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