Ministry of the Poor

Ministry of the Poor

Ecclesiastical Assistant

Fr. Albet Arockiasamy


Aaron Koh


Our objective is to serve the poor and the most vulnerable, to strengthen the lives of all in need by empowering them in their areas of need, to uphold their dignity as human persons, to elevate them to live a decent life by ensuring their basic needs such as food, water and shelter are met.

We are committed to helping the poor, especially the homeless, urban poor families, single mothers or anyone in need, who wants to move from crisis and isolation, to stability and growth.

Ecclesiastical Assistant

Fr. Albet Arockiasamy


Aaron Koh

Stories from the community


What Do We Offer:

  • Job opportunity (Subject to availability)
  • Food ration
  • Financial Aid (Subject to eligibility and case-to-case assessment)
  • Medical Aid (Subject to eligibility and case-to-case assessment)
  • Skillset Training (Subject to availability and case-to-case assessment)
  • Halfway home shelter (subject to eligibility and case-to-case assessment)

Ministry Plans For 2024

Upcoming Planned Activities

Activities Gallery:


Sign Up to Volunteer for Ministry of the Poor

You may perform a physical bank-in or online transfer to:

Payee Name: Archdiocesan Office for Human Development

Bank Account: Maybank 5140 1159 3654

Kindly email the required details with deposit slip/ transaction records to

Please remember to include your full name, address and IC number in the email if you require tax exemption.

Tax exemption is available only for donations above RM200.

Donation Details

Fill in the form

Thank you for your generosity! Your donation helps us continue our mission and make a difference.

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