Society of St Vincent de Paul

Society of St Vincent de Paul

Ecclesiastical Assistant

Fr. Frederick Joseph


To live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and to bring about a more just and compassionate society.

Ecclesiastical Assistant

Fr. Frederick Joseph

Stories from the community



The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international lay Catholic organization founded in Paris, France in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam and his five companions. They were challenged on the relevance of the “Catholic faith in action”; that is, to practice Christian love, to serve the poor in the streets of Paris and to be one with them.

This group initially formed as the Conference of Charity was soon named as the Society of St Vincent De Paul after St Vincent De Paul, a priest who devoted his entire life to serving the physical and spiritual needs of the poor. The Society started to grow rapidly all over the world through the process of twinning and is currently established in 150 countries, the latest member country being Surinam. It was a member of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. In January 2017, the Cor Unum works have been merged into the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. The Society is also a member of the United Nations through ECOSOC (Educational and Social Council).



The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Malaysia is made up of Christians who wish to live out their faith by giving themselves to the needy and the less fortunate. We offer our assistance, friendship, time and talents. About 714 members in the 63 Conferences throughout the country are actively involved in this work of charity. The Society in Malaysia is part of this international network of charity, officially known as the International Confederation of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.



The first Conference of Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Malaysia was established in 1934 in the Church of Assumption in Penang. The Apostolate did not spread to the other parishes in Peninsula Malaysia until the early 1950s. In the early days, conferences were formed independently through the support and blessings of the respective parish priests.

Around this time, Particular Councils were formed in Penang, Selangor and Singapore with a common constitution to ensure its growth as one unit. It had always been the aim of the hierarchy that the various parts of the country should come under the unifying influence of a Superior Council. The Council General in Paris too had been anxious for some time to see an establishment of a unifying Superior Council.

It was on 27th July 1963 that the unification process properly began. The need for an early formation of the National Society being agreed upon, the task of calling for meeting of representatives from all the conferences to draw up a Constitution fell on the Particular Council of Selangor.  It was encouraging that members rose to the occasion and at the last two preliminary meetings held on the 6th and 29th June 1963 in Kuala Lumpur and chaired by the late Archbishop Dominic Vendargon, a draft Constitution was drawn up.  It augured well for the spirit of the Society and the enthusiasm of members who were represented by the 28 delegates from Penang, Melaka, Johor and Selangor.  Singapore, whilst excluded from participating, sent two (2) observers whose counsel and long experience were invaluable.

With the support of the hierarchy and the clergy, the Constitution was completed and it was left to a protem committee led by Bro N. Francis to obtain the registration of the Society.

On 4th December 1963, the Society was officially registered with the Registrar of Societies and the Particular Councils were dissolved and merged to form a National Council or the Superior Council as it was then called.  The first meeting of the Superior Council was held in Kuala Lumpur on 18th April 1964.  From Penang, the delegates were led by Bro Jambu, President of Central Council Penang, from Melaka, Bro Joseph Vendargon and from Selangor, Bro N. Francis.  At this meeting, Bro N. Francis was elected President of the National Council and Bro Joseph Vendargon was the Vice President with Bro I. Louis as the first Secretary.  The National Council was officially aggregated with the International Council in Paris on 6th August 1964.



Today, the Society is established in Sarawak and Sabah, East Malaysia and in nine States of Peninsular Malaysia. Its members are regularly engaged in the apostolic work of charity, working with people on a person-to-person basis. In addition to normal activities of visiting the less fortunate in their homes, the Society has also ventured into special works projects like operating orphanages, day care, education / tuition and service centers including a dialysis center.  The main thrust of our work has been in education of the young as a primary means of breaking their cycle of poverty. 

To facilitate the management of special works and their funding needs, the Society incorporated a Charitable Foundation known as Yayasan Ozanam on 24th March 1998.  On 1st August 1999 the Foundation was granted tax-exempt status for donations received.  

The Foundation itself is also not subject to income tax under Section 44(6) of the Income tax Act and a Board of Trustees comprising Vincentians manage the affairs of the Foundation. The National Council President is the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation by virtue of Article 54 of the MA/AA of the Foundation.

Management of our Society is by lay Catholics.  In addition to the International Rules, the Society has its own rules and guidelines, is legally autonomous, conducts its own activities, elects its own leaders and manages its own funds. 

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