Women Ministry

Ecclesiastical Assistant

Fr. Albet Arockiasamy


Susan Thomas


To be a platform that connects women from various walks of life, parishes, outside of the parishes, to support and mentor each other, in a safe and supportive environment.

To provide a neutral venue to conduct talks, workshops, and support groups in order to help build women in all aspects.

Ecclesiastical Assistant

Fr. Albet Arockiasamy


Susan Thomas

Stories from the community


Ministry Plans For 2024

Upcoming Planned Activities

Activities Gallery:

Sign Up to Volunteer for Women Ministry

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Payee Name: Archdiocesan Office for Human Development

Bank Account: Maybank 5140 1159 3654

Kindly email the required details with deposit slip/ transaction records to enquiry@aohd.org.

Please remember to include your full name, address and IC number in the email if you require tax exemption.

Tax exemption is available only for donations above RM200.

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