
All articles and newletters shared here shows the works of AOHD and PIHDM within the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur. We share our ideas/ news and development here for people to know, learn and understand.

Rededication of Pusat Jagaan Istimewa Nathanael

Being street smart against crime

Collaborating to address societal and environmental needs

Ozanam Home kids enjoy a day of strikes and floats

St Maximilian Kolbe named patron of KL archdiocesan prison ministry

Konferensi tahunan ECMI fokus pelayanan migran dan pelarian

Support group for women with cancer

CST-101 programme inspires action in Catholic Social Teaching

Planting trees in memory of the elderly

Embracing W.A.L.A.I. A spiritual journey in Sabah

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