How does your donation help AOHD to serve the communities?

In line with the AOHD Terms of Reference (1992), the utilisation of the Lenten Campaign funds collected, is broken down into the following categories: –

  • Administrative Expenses (office maintenance, salaries and expenses related to running the office) – 10%
  • Formation (organised by AOHD for AOHD staff and PIHDM) – 30%
  • Projects (relating to the needs of each ministry and the communities they serve) – 60%

Funds are also used to assist cases from poorer parishes or parishes in rural areas, which may require financial aid in service of the poor and marginalised. The request from these parishes generally are basic needs (food items, adequate shelter, medical aid), basic education, self-help projects, special grants or emergencies.

The below pie chart shows how the donations received for 2023 was utilised from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024

The internal financial year for AOHD has changed from (previously) January to December to (now) July to June of the following year. This is to better reflect the funds collected (by the time it is remitted to AOHD) and where it was used for without having an overlap. In this way, it gives a clearer picture of how much funds are collected and what is it used for.